Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

Heliocentrism is a theory that stated that the sun was the center of the universe. Heliocentrism was the opposite of what the geocentric theory stated. Nicholaus Copernicus is the scientist that later on proved this theory to be true. He was the first scientist that showed a mathematical model of this theory. This theory was brought up as people were noticing the motions of the planet earth and the sun. Later on these motions were studied more carefully amd which is when the theory of heliocentrism was borned. Lots of scientist around the world were studying the motions of the sun.

Geocentrism is another theory about the solar system. As stated before, it was the opposite of what the geocentric theory stated. The geocentrism theory states that the earth was the center of the universe. Scientist before saw that the moon rotated around the sun. So since the moon rotated around the earth, everything in the solar system must rotate around the earth too. Although the geocentric theory was out first, it is not true. Heliocentrism was based on the scientific revloution.

Galileo was put on trial by the catholic church for stating in a book that the earth was not the center of the universe. The church believed that the earth was the center of the universe while Galileo thought that the planets revolved around the sun. He did some researc through a telescope and was going against what the church believed.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revolution:The Scientific Method

The scientific method is a method used by scientists everywhere. This method consists of making a hypothesis, making an experiment, writing down your observations, and a conclusion. It is a good way to keep track of your data and see what you did wrong and what you can do next time to make it better. Scientific methods can be used to prove a theory wrong. Making a hypothesis is a scientists way to make an educated guess. Then the scientist must make an experiment based on the hypothesis that they had made. During the experiment, they must take notes on what is happening also know as data. After that they write a conclusion on what happened.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Evolution vs. Creation

The Theory of evolution is that we all came from one species. For example, people believe that we came from the ape and as time passed the ape had transformed into a human. Darwin's theory of evolution is said that all ancestors are related in one way or another. He stated this because of his research in the galapolos Islands. He noticed that the finches were are similiar but different based on where they lived.

Creationism is based on a religion. This states that God madethe world and also made human beings. This story is said in the bible in the old testament the book of genesis. God made the land, water and this whole entire world. He also made man and woman which he named Adam and Eve.
I believe in Creationism more than the theory of evolution. The theory of evolution doesnt make sense because it would take a really long time and also if the apes changed doesnt that mean that we would have to change too? Wouldnt the cycle just continue on? Creationism makes more sense because you have a creator and the world would continue on in its regular cycle.