Mikhail Gorbachev basically paved the path for the collapse of the communist rule. He was the youngest ruler since Joseph Stalin. People that were with Mikhail Gorbachev were interested in their youth and energy and political skills. He wanted to pursue new ideas being ruler now and didnt necessarily wanted to follow what Stalin had once put. He saw what past soviet leaders did wrong by following a totalitarian state and not letting the people speak freely. He saw what it did to the country. Instead of just bringing the Soviet Union forward, it would silence the people and just didnt do much to help it. So because of this reason, he made up the policy of glasnost which just means openness. He wanted the people of the Soviet to be heard and bring the country forward. Not only did he make this new policy but he also encouraged citizens to speak up and be heard in improving the Soviet. This policy made things better because it allowed for churches to be open once again, it bought justice and took out innocent people from jail. Not to mention it also un-banned books that were once censored from the people. This new policy also allowed people to openly complain about economic problems as well.
The chain of complaints caused him to make a new policy called Peristrokia. It was basically economic reconstruction of the economic system that was put into place. His plan was to simply improve communism and not to get rid of it. His ideas that were now put in placed helped the soviet Union to escape from communism and slip into a more democratic system. Since people can now speak freely he secretly let the people of the soviet union into their doom of being a democratic state :]