Friday, May 7, 2010

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid was a system used under Africa used for legal racial segregation. It was mostly in Africa enforced by the SABRA (south African bureau for racial affairs) during the 1930's. This was when the black Africans were under the society of the white Africans. The black Africans were considered lower than the White Africans in their society. It was unfair but it was legal under apartheid. Under these rules, they couldnt interact with other people. For example, the black Africans couldnt communicate with the White Africans. They were not allowed to marry each other or play with each other. It was like in the United States when segregation was taking place. Apartheid was official abolished in 1993. Right before Mandela was voted in for Africans president after being a free country from the British rule.
Nelson Mandela was a guy in Africa that was in jail for most of his life. He got put in jail for going against the Apartheid rule and was sentenced to jail for 27 years. While in jail, he became sort of like a role model to not put up with the Apartheid rule. The government was going to let Mandela spend most of his life in jail but then worried about if Mandela died while in jail. They thought that if he should die in jail, a black African revolution was soon to be followed shortly after his death. After this, they released him in 1990 and thats when he negotiated with the White government of Africa to end apartheid and was then elected as president and he served five years. He is admired because spending so much time in jail he still never stopped fighting for African rights. He never gave up and still had that will power to rule Africa right after he was released from jail.

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