Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

Nationalism is belonging to a certain country. You would be willling to fight for and die for your country. This is the basics of Nationalism. Nationalism exists everywhere and is a new concept. You know what nation you belong to by the borders that surrond that country. I am nationalistic because i live in the United States and i use the same money that everyone else uses in this country. Even though i didnt live through the history that the country lived through, i know what happened like when the American Revolution happened. America was trying to break free and gain its independence from Great Britain.
Nationalism is known to break an important empire. For example it broke up the Austrain-Hungratian but it made Italy become one. Even though Italy was being under Austria's rule, they wanted to be free from them. They wanted to be free from them because they had different ideas then Austria. They organized a group that italians made up called the Young Italy and no one over the age of 40 could join. Italy was different before it was Italy. Italy was just some part of a empire and afterwards, they were an independent country.

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