Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Karl Marx and The Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx didn't like how workers were treated. He says that the conditions in the factories that they worked in. The factories were unsafe and harsh.  Karl Marx didn't agree with the treatment of workers in the industrial revolution. Which is why he came up with the idea of communism.  Karl believed that workers should unite as one and sort of rebel and not take the treatment from the factories in which they worked in. In his idea of communism, workers would share the money they made among other "communist" people. The money would be distributed among the people based on what they worked for and what they needed it for. 
He ended up dying in 1883.  He got inspired by the way workers were treated in the factories. Communism still lived on after he died. People after Karl Marx expanded on the idea of communism which is what we know today.

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