Africa changed alot during the period of 20 years. There were more independent countries than colonies after the 20 years that passed. Most of the African Countries that under some sort of rule, they were under the rule of European rule. Most of Africa was ruled under England powers. Shortly after World War two, they were ready to transfer their government. So after wards, two rulers in Africa started to take over. They started taking over little by little. First it was Jomo Kenyatta that started an African revolution. He started taking over whats now called Kenya. Doing so he started the Mau Mau rebellion. The Mau Mau consisted of mostly the Kikyuyu farmers that were forced out of highlands by the British people. Instead of using violence the point of this Mau Mau rebellion was to simply scare the white farmers out of their highland so they could get their farmland back. By the time Kenya had won their independence from Britain more than 10000 Kenyans were killed. After winning their independence, Kenyetta became the leader of the Kenya. He worked very hard to unite the Kenyans and then died in 1978. Afterwards Kenya never had that same success ruling Kenya as Kenyatta did.
Another ruler that took over Africa was Moise Tshombe. He took over a region in the south eastern part of Kantaga. It was full of minerals and soils. He tried to take over those lands but people of Africa didnt want him to take over because that land was important because of the minerals and stuff. This was known as the Tshombe's rebellion. In the end, Africa is now as we know it.
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